Health Office
Health Office Information
Dear CGE Families,
We are committed to keeping your child and our whole community safe and healthy. Each morning, before sending your child to school, we would ask you to complete the following checklist. If your child has any of the symptoms below (cold, flu, COVID-19, or other illnesses) we ask that you keep them home and to notify the school.
Students should stay home if:
Fever: 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher without medication
New-uncontrolled cough that causes difficulty breathing (for students with chronic allergic/asthmatic cough, a change from baseline)
New onset of loss of taste or smell
Has more than one episode of vomiting or diarrhea
Your child is unable to participate in school due to:
Being tired
Lack of appetite
Severe sore throat-especially if sore throat is accompanied by a headache, stomach ache, or rash. If your child has these symptoms, call your doctor. The child may have strep throat without a fever.
Rashes that are itchy and scaly should be evaluated by a medical provider before coming to school
Yellow or green discharge from eyes, ears, nose or any other part of the body
Pink eye (red, puffy, itchy eyes) needs to be cleared by a medical provider before coming to school
Students may return to school when:
24 hours fever free without medication
24 hours after the last episode of vomiting or diarrhea
24 hours after the first dose of antibiotics at home
Notify the school:
For any illness beyond cold or flu, please provide a doctor’s note stating that your child is not contagious and it is safe for him/her to return to school. Please notify the school if the student shows symptoms of COVID-19, if the student or anyone they live with has been diagnosed with COVID-19, or if they are waiting for test results.
Please encourage your student(s) to wash their hands and cover their cough/sneeze! Your help in preventing the spread of disease is greatly appreciated.