The Eagles NEST - Week at a Glance
Week at a Glance 9 18 to 9 22
Posted by John Bliss on 9/17/2023 6:00:00 AM
Week of 9/18 to 9/22
Dear Cordova Gardens Families,
Here is your gardens’ week at a glance for 9/18 to 9/22 (The EAGLE’S Nest). This is a weekly update that is posted every Sunday before the start of the school week. It is a place for you to get updates regarding the school and the district. This week at a glance, a document will also be available for you on the website on the parent tab under the “Week at a Glance” sub tab.
How to stay updated:
1. Check the week at a glance. Click Here
2. Check the main school website. Click Here
3. Check for Principal Texts. (Email Mr. Bliss if you do not receive them)
Please come to the front office if you need a translator
Por favor venga a la oficina principal si necesita un traductor
Пожалуйста, приходите в офис, если вам нужен переводчик
Wellness Corner
Please read our updates regarding the district partnership with Care Solace!
Teleotherapy information can be found here: Click here
Attendance Corner
Please help us complete our school 20 day attendance challenge in the month of August!
Attend 23-24!: Attend to win! Every Day Counts!
Educational research shows that early childhood educational success is directly linked to higher rates of attendance.
We will be incentivizing positive attendance throughout the year. Attending students will be eligible for attendance prizes.
Please call the front office if your child will be absent from school.
Check here for additional information.
Health office
Hi families! Nurse Laura here,
If your student has either a prescription or an over the counter medication that they take, please drop it off at our office with a med form found here: We also can supply you with the appropriate forms.
Over the counter medications that still require a form and to be held in the nurses office include things like Tylenol, Advil, and cough drops.
If your child carries their own epi pen or inhaler, we still require a from with the Doctor’s permission.
Here's to a great year!
Email me at with any questions!
Laura Holford, RN MSN
School Nurse
Upcoming Events/Dates for the Week:
9/12 PTA Meeting 4:00PM Library
9/18 Monday Fall Pictures
9/19 Site Council and ELAC meeting, cancelled and moved to October.
9/21 School Board Meeting 6 PM.
9/22 Coffee and Donuts with the Principal 8:30 in the Multi: Discussing school name change to incorporate STEAM
9/26 Title I Meeting 4:00 PM Library: Discussing school name change to incorporate STEAM
9/28 Thursday starting at 8:30 2023 Jogathon!
Help donate to the school today! For more information: Click here for information
Your donations go directly to our school for field trips, assemblies, school events, classroom grants, afterschool programs and so much more!
Every student who participates will receive an otter pop and extra recess!
Top three contributing classrooms will win a group prize!
Students donating through our cash free option with the QR code will be entered for a chance to win 1 of 6 prizes.
10/2 Begin Morning Walking Club 8:05-8:15, intermediate playground